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Wallz (DayZ)

Be careful who you shoot

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I was playing today with a few of my team members in our home server and one of them came under fire. He ran for cover at the supermarket and survived a volley of DMR rounds.

Naturally, our crew plays as a team which meant I was providing over watch.

I looked around to find two survivors sitting in the wide open field beside each other. One with a ghille suit, one with regular clothes.

2 shots and two kills later they were down.

What does this mean?

Be careful who you shoot, you'll never know who is watching.

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i never shoot people for no reason. But yeah you're right. Sadly I do not have a team.

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Always scope out towns before you go in guns blazing.

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The other day we capped 3 players at the market... after like 15 minutes of knowing about them. If your first reaction is "shoot" when they have not seen you yet, things may end poorly for your crew. If you stalk, flank and maybe even initiate dialog (I rather trade than kill) well by then you know exactly who they are and what they are capable of.

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I usually just sprint in, most people when they see you they will walk slowly, so if youre quick looting, sprinting trough the rooms you can actually get all the good loot in 2 minutes without getting shot at, i do this all the time and it actually works, snipers have a hard time sniping you if your sprinting.

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Without bandits the game would be no fun.

You have a point there...but there bandits and then there bandits(grifers) lets shoot freshly spawn guys just for the lulz......Sometimes i wish ammo was a bit rarer

Edited by Gentleman_shark

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