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BattlEye: Global Ban #63ee

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I've been global banned by BattlEye - which means I can not join any kind of server anymore.

I did not cheat or anything like it.

I've been driving with my ATV down to Kamenka to pick up a friend who was waiting for me there. I encountered a helicopter on my way down there and eventhough I knew they were like patched out of the game I was like "let's see if I can get this chopper up in the air". But it didn't work and all of a sudden another heli just spawned right beside me.

I wanted to leave the server because I was pretty sure I was dealing with a hacker in there but I've been kicked before I even could.

As I tried to rejoin I received that messaged named above and since then I wasn't able to join a server.

Well my ticket was like closed immediately without even answering it.

So I thought I might try me luck here. :-)


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