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My friend turned into a zombie...

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Me and my good friend are working our way through starry sober, he's running behind me and all of a sudden gets hit by nothing, hit as if punched by a zombie. He was unable to control himself and hit me once. I look back and see a helicopter pilot zombie, and he hits me against his will. He falls unconscious, and i see him falling in and out of the dirt, so i pick him up and drag him hoping to get him out of this glitch (or whatever it is). He alt+ctrl+deletes out in order to try and save his character, i leave shortly after. We meet up in another server and he is peacefully laying on the ground unconscious, so i pull out an epi-pen and wake him up. He is still in the helicopter pilot suit and still looks like a zombie, but he is in control of his character... So i bandage him up and give him a blood transfusion. Seconds later, my friend starts attacking me again against his will. At this point he gives up on his character and asks me to take him out... I killed my friend.. on top of that i did not get a murder or bandit kill, i got a zombie kill.

Just an fyi, he wasn't messing with me or hacking. He doesn't have the knowledge to hack and we were doing really well, i promise he didn't want me to kill him.

Anyone else have this happen, or know what happened?


My friend turned into a zombie and i was forced to kill him. Any thoughts?

Edited by Pickbo
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My best guess is that a hacker is behind it i have nvr heard of anything like this in the game legit

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this sounds like bullshit, or your friend was just trying to kill you

Edited by joeasyrida

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A hacker cant even do that, scripts cant turn you into a zombie qnd take over your mouse. Mabye change your skin and model but thats really it. Otherwise this story sounds like bullshit

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If this isn't bullshit (the most likely answer) then it's the work of an anomalous bug.

I highly doubt it's true; in fact I'm going to call it bullshit, though such a system would be pretty cool in future builds of the game. Say a character gets 'infected' somehow, against his knowledge. He then loses control of his 'character' after some amount of time and has bouts of being a regular infected amidst his typical playing. He could be helping someone and suddenly he's out of control and can only watch helplessly as he begins to melee someone and likely gets shot.

Certainly not going to happen any time soon, but it's a neat premise for the future of the game.

Edited by Askar
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My best guess is that a hacker is behind it i have nvr heard of anything like this in the game legit

Seems like 'hackers' can mod the game better than developers.

Stop throwing around loose accusations ffs

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I wish i would have recorded it. I don't have any pics. :(

Getting proof really wasn't on my mind, I wasn't even planning on posting until i realized there was nobody else complaining about this issue. I'm sure more of these will start popping up, because whether you believe it or not, it just happened.. lol

Our best guess is a hacker, i couldn't imagine this being a glitch..

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Well, as someone else said already it's almost certainly not a hacker. What you claim happened would be nearly impossible for most hackers who would bother with DayZ, not to mention what you're describing is something more sophisticated than what Rocket & co have going at the moment as it is. We're having trouble with Ghillie suits and Camoflauge here, there's no way someone is going to hack a zombie skin complete with zombie behaviour in. So it's some crazy glitch the likes of which I've never heard of, or it's simply false.

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OP is talking bullshit. Let this thread die.

I am not talking bullshit, i realize the burden of proof lies on me. If this is in fact a bug it's not worth worrying about considering the probability of it reoccurring.

However, this is relevant and did happen, I expect to see it again. You can be a prick about it all you want, but put the pitchfork away...

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Well, as someone else said already it's almost certainly not a hacker. What you claim happened would be nearly impossible for most hackers who would bother with DayZ, not to mention what you're describing is something more sophisticated than what Rocket & co have going at the moment as it is. We're having trouble with Ghillie suits and Camoflauge here, there's no way someone is going to hack a zombie skin complete with zombie behaviour in. So it's some crazy glitch the likes of which I've never heard of, or it's simply false.

If that is the case i'm baffled, one minute he is running behind me, the next he is bleeding to death, and then trying to kill me...

Either way, I'll start recording my runs, that way if i decide to post something, i won't get flamed for it.

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I might be able to give prove.

First of all, I have no relation with Pickbo.

I simply came to this thread because I was trying to see whether something similar happened to others.

It occured to my character, and I was alone. The good thing is, I have not given up my character yet.

This is what happened:

I am approaching the Deer Stand north of Novy Sobor (Grid 068 073), all of the sudden my character is wearing a pilot suit. I was on 3rd person view mode. I could not quite see my own face so I was not aware whether I didn't or did turn to zombie. I had control of my character only for not more than 10 seconds after I switch to a pilot suit, and then it sounded that another zombie approaching me and start attacking me. Similar to what happened to Pickbo's friend, I ended up fainted and having a green sand-clock on my screen. Looking at the rate of recovery, I do not think that I will survive with the zombie still eating me (all I can hear is a sound of zombie eating). So yes, I ctrl-alt-del my game and quit.

I tried to get back on different server hoping to be unconscious without having zombie eating, I can recover after I gain control. But every server I login, I ended up with the same situation: green sand-clock with the sound of zombie eating me.

So, anyone who is willing to investigate what happen, I will be more than happy to hop to your server and having you see what is actually going on.

Please feel free to PM me and I will try to keep this character on its position as long as it can be beneficial for other players.


Edited by Patih

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For what its worth, yesterday someone teleported everyone on the server to one spot, turned us into goats, bunnies, and then zombie pilots. I could control my bunny and goat, but not really the zombie pilot, and it did attack other people automatically.

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Just saying, I have seen streams where hackers have taken control of people's characters, so that is entirely possible.

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I have to say, pics or it didn't happen

Understandable. I started videoing my runs today, but all i have to offer is me and my 4 friends in a car get slottered by two guys with broken legs.. lol

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Finally, someone who experienced same thing. Days ago it happened to my friend as well, I went to forum to check up what the heck is that and couldn't find a single report on forums - so I decided to not make any thread because I didn't manage to get screenshot (proof I guess) and day before I already made thread about hackers so didn't want to push it too far.

Three friends and myself were checking far north forests hoping to find some tents or vehicle when at one point my friend got turned into Zombie. He still had his gun, he still could normally move but every single of rest of us heard those Zombie growls and saw him as Zombie without a gun (normal, plain, walking DayZ zombie). After about 2-3 minutes both my friend and myself heard shots... but not normal shots, we were on the mountain, surrounded by forest and shots we were hearing were like someone is breaking the glass (i.e. glass at hospital). Also we didn't see nor hear bullets dropping near us and no one of us got hit. After a while, when we got sure no one is firing at us for real, we disconnected and reconnected... we all, together with friend who got turned into Zombie got that stun-timer of like 5 min. Funny, every next time we relogged on same server we started stunned but at least friend got his normal skin back. and one of DE servers, it was full around 50 people on it.

We thought it was some hack, but if it was hacker decided to not kill everyone. Also when hacker comes to server and starts messing around people leave server faster then sound, but this server was full all the time while these strange "bugs" were happening to us, so I guess it was bug for real or some hacker just was testing new hacks or something.

At the end of the day we didn't die, and everything was fine and normal after we changed the server.

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I will be meeting up with a guy in game, who is in zombie mode currently, either tomorrow or Saturday to get some video of this situation. So those of you wanting proof will soon have it. :)

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so i pick him up and drag him hoping to get him out of this glitch (or whatever it is).


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Obvious BS. I can believe the skin change was done by a hacker, but I doubt that your friend would lose control of his character and attack you against his will. No script can do that.

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