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Who fired first?

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Would it be possible in some way to be able to differentiate between murder and self defense? say if shots were detected hitting or nearly hitting me as I shot the person shooting me, then the kill wouldn't be classed as murder but as a bandit kill instead? I don't know if bandit skins are active at the minute or if they're going to be reimplemented, but when looting cherno almost requires you to kill someone trying to kill you, it'd be great if there was a way to avoid having a murder against your name when you only fired back after rapidly shouting friendly into your mic.

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Bandit skin isnt active. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I dont think it will be activated in the near future either :)

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The person who shoots first is the one that's not dead, obviously.

Anyway I don't think this would be possible to implement due to ArmA2's hit detection and so on.

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Well do why do you need that kinda mechanics first place? If somebody fires even a single shot at you, you should be "allowed" to return fire as self defence.

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I think the whole murders/bandits thing should just get scrapped. To quote Captain Jack Sparrow, the only rules are "what a man can do and what a man can't do." There should just be a count of zombies killed and players killed.

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All kills ought to count as murders, it's up to you to decide what's defense. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if the murder and bandit kill tallies disappeared altogether.

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