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steam 1.62 with beta 94876 problem

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hello everyone,

i could use some help, i really don't know what to try anymore. i'm lost between builds, patches, updates and downloads. this is ridiculous.

i got the game on steam (arma2 and oa), installed dayz and played all right for a while on a version called 1715 93965. a week or so ago something changed online and messed it up: i could only get on 2 or 3 servers, all the others were marked with an x (1.62 was highlighted as the problem, even though above it, on the server screen it said that i also had the 1.62). anyway i ignored it, of course, as i could still play when i wanted, the servers were empty and i hate googling stuff like this.

the thing is that today, steam updated my game with the 1.62 stuff, so i figured i will finally have more servers to play on. and so it was, with just one little problem. now there were just two 93965 and when i joined one, i was kicked for having the wrong battleeye version. i reinstalled it, it worked, and joined the server again.

i woke up on the beach, lost all my stuff, but that's ok. the problem was that i had no sound and a small line of text in the middle of my screen: you have the wrong file, the server has another file so download it from dayzmod.com/downloads (which doesn't fucking exist by the way)

ok, i said, probably the 93965 version is too old, lemme just get the new one. So i download 94876 which claims is the latest, install it, and boom, still not working. in the corner of my arma2 start screen i read 1.61.94876 and the multiplayer screen tells me i can update to the 1.62 version.

so great, now i lost my steam update (or whatever that was), i'm back to the 1.61 version. I went to the arma2 official site, downloaded the 1.62 manually, installed it (with errors, some files were missing wtf) and now the servers say i have the version, but need the!?!?!

when i google the, it tells me to get the 94876, which i already have, and installed. this is insane.

help please. i really don't want to reinstall the game, just to start this all over again.

thank you.

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