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receiving bug

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This appears to be a somewhat random bug. When I am in a town-type area (basically anywhere with buildings), this bug sometimes appears (cant pin down the source - seems random). Basically, the screen will go black, and it will say "receiving", as if I had just joined. The text will go away for a second (screen remains black), and then come back. This then repeats indefinately.

This happened both before and after yesterday's ARMA2 patch.

My ping is fine (sub-100, sometimes it even happens when its 20).

My system pulls 60-100fps (so its not a system error, I think).

My internet isn't "bad" (i.e. im not loosing connection).

The game hasn't crashed, as the FPS (i use MSI afterburner) continues to fluctuate as if in-game.

Any ideas? I cant even open the menu when this happenes. The only fix is to either alt+f4, or open task-manager and end the proccess.

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Getting the same looked all over for a fix have done a complete uninstall + manually deleted local files inc prefs in my docs and still after new install getting the same changing video options doesnt seem to help.

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The new update caused me to spawn on the coast, and this problem keeps almost killing me while i'm being chased by zombies. Playing around with my video settings doesn't seem to help and I've seen a number of threads on this but no answers. It's ruining the game for me and I fear it's gonna kill my 18 days alive character (started him my 3rd day of playing) soon..

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