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How to equip Hatchet and keep rifle in backpack?

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I found an AKM and a hatchet and now my hatchet is on my toolbelt and I have my AKM as my primary.

Is there a way to put my rifle in my backpack and use my hatchet so I don't lose my AKM yet be able to fight zombies with my hatchet so I don't make too much noise?

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You can try to fit it in your backpack itself, I think it takes 12 spaces for a primary. Or you can drop your gun and come back to it after you've finished looting. Unfortunately as of right now these are the only ways to do it.

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Or you can drop your gun and come back to it after you've finished looting.

That's what I do when I kill sheep or cows. I remember having a discussion about it with a friend and he was like "Nah, I'm not gonna do that, man. Too much trouble and I'm in the middle of nowhere, I'll just shoot it!". Two minutes after he did, he was shot in the head! Just remember where you put the lot...I once spent 10 minutes looking, because I forgot at which tree I put it :blush:

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weapon takes 10 slots plus your ammo, I wouldn't advise putting it on the ground odds are the server will reset lol

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