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Random Tractor in the forest.....

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Pretty new to DayZ - so I am now used to the spawn areas and can get myself set pretty quickly now a days but one thing I came across just now was a tractor - fueled but a little damaged in the middle of the forest... So I got in took a ride - the got a battleye #55 disconnect..... was this a hacked in vehicle or is it normal to find such things just lying around?

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They can be found, but not usually in forests unless someone parked it there.

hope you checked it for gear that someone might have stored in it.

also remember the location you found it and scout around the area for a while, you might locate a camp.

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I found one too, didn't check it for gear and rolled it onto its roof near the coast :'(

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People hide vehicles/tents in the woods, not unusual to come across them now and then.

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