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The Scrub

Beat this...

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i had the opposite today. an epic dmr shot. the guy was prone over the hill, slowly crawling to try and shoot me (there were two of them looting the crash site, and we killed his friend so he ran away and went prone). all I could see was the tip of his cap and a piece of his alice pack sticking out. range finder said 450m. i managed to get a headshot with the first bullet.

adrenaline went through the roof :D

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I can top that easily....had a guy 300m in front of me(saw it with rangefinder)

and I tried to use my l85......I spent one whole clip while even holding my breath and the damned thing hit him only once.....(yes I zeroed it properly)

of course seconds later I died....

Edited by Arch0N

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DMR is the shittiest sniper rifle in the game. The only good thing about it is Night Vision, and it's not really worth that either... A really sad sniper

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