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Looking to team up

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I've just started playing Dayz a few days ago and love it. I am currently teaming with my brother and have started to gear up and learnt to survive. The only difficult thing i find is surviving against bandits when raiding areas. My brother and I don't always play at the same times and its quite hard to fly solo in this game without being crazy cautious, so I've decided to look for people to team up with.

I am from the UK and so my preferred language is English and time zone is GMT

I and my brother are both 22 years old

I get good ping from MOST EU servers

I have a mic and a TS3 server hosted by Multiplay

Steam Name: Dies Irae

Steam ID: 76561198027395254

Thanks, it'd be awesome if i could find some people to hunt some beans with!

Edited by AvengedSevenfold

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