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PSA: Avoid Defcon servers - A little forewarning

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Some members here don't browse the /r/dayz subreddit and for those who do, you know what I mean. Two threads today demonstrated poor customer service and etiquette on Defcon servers part. These two posts each individually show the low levels of professionalism and threats made against their customers.



Although he did get what he asked for, there was no justification as to why threats were made. Personally, I will never purchase a server from them and I'd like to get the message spread across further.


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Holy shit that's one seriously upset host :lol: But to threaten to publish his home address and send it to every criminal in his/her area is low :o I wonder how they know so many criminals ?

To save people looking through the 1st link just click this image link and you'll see > Linky http://i.imgur.com/xwYoF.png

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Yea I should have linked the picture for instant access, but oh well.

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This has been discussed in another thread http://dayzmod.com/f...onserverscom/��

I spoke personally to the client and explained the situation, He has agreed to assist in possibly pressing charges on the person involved.

Good for you that you're assisting him in pressing charges if so. Nobody should be treated like that when buying a service.

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This has been discussed in another thread http://dayzmod.com/f...onserverscom/��

I spoke personally to the client and explained the situation, He has agreed to assist in possibly pressing charges on the person involved.

Mud sticks so i wish you luck in cleaning your image :) It only takes one bad apple and that image with the threat is currently going viral, I do hope the employee has been fired ? Customers will not do business knowing there's idiots like that working there.

Just a shame good reviews don't spread that fast but people love to gossip and bitch.

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To save people looking through the 1st link just click this image link and you'll see > Linky http://i.imgur.com/xwYoF.png

Without the header of the mail, can't tell if it really comes from noreply decon thing or not.

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Once again, Defcon Servers is the most incompetent, half-assed, unprofessional company I've ever had the displeasure of doing business with. I am glad to know, after reading around, that they are not a credit card scam company, as I assumed due to my dealings with them, but in fact just a very very bad company. I should have wiped my ass with my money and set it on fire. Nothing about the experience at any point worked, the server was never live, and they had the audacity to say it was me running an out of date version. Yes, me and 20 something clanmates that play; quite happily, all day long on any number of servers are ALL too stupid to figure out the updater. Why is it then that all of us get the "The host is running an out of date version please contact your Dayz admin" message? Give me a break. Not researching these guys before I did business with them is one of the worst internet mistakes I've ever made. BUYER BEWARE.

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