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Being a bandit (video)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J9hj9mYp0A

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I was camping in the supermarket with my friend and we managed to get enough kills for a small video.

Before it's said in the comments, yes I'm a douche, yes I'm a camper, and if you don't like the music you can mute it.

EDIT: Ah shit I accidentally put the link in the title.

Edited by crisk21

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You jacked my DayZ song! eheh

Haha yeah it's a good song. I felt it was relevant to the video.

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So you got 3 kills in total, zero headshots. And even the last dude you took several shots at a dead body and still missed.

Awesome work there matey.

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So you got 3 kills in total, zero headshots. And even the last dude you took several shots at a dead body and still missed.

Awesome work there matey.

I wasn't bragging in anyway. Just simply sharing a video.

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OP there was no need to record add a backing track post it to youtube then link anyone to that , it was mediocre at best

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As I much as I hate to give negative feedback, this ungentlemanly behaviour is most unbecoming. I shun you and your banditry.

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Just another noob with Enfield and Alice who thinks he's packed on 1337 gear.

It's definitely not the best gear, but it gets the job done.

OP there was no need to record add a backing track post it to youtube then link anyone to that , it was mediocre at best

It was between playing a song over the video, or you hear my friend and I talking about completely unrelated and somewhat offensive things. And yes I know it wasn't anything special.

Edited by crisk21

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Am I the only one who enjoyed this video? I am certainly against pointless PKing but I enjoy a killing montage every now and then.

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that boring video should of been tracked by elevator music

you and a buddy are taking 10m shots at dudes while camping

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