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US 427 hacking

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Please check the server logs from last night (24-July approx 10:30 pm PST) on US 427. There was at least one individual hacking and modifying other player's inventories (I do not have a name as I never saw the person). I was traveling with a friend to Cherno when we both were placed in a shock state for no reason (no damage, no gunfire and we weren't at the city yet so no reason for it to simultaneously happen to both of us). When we arrived in the city we moved to a spot in the industrial district to avoid nearby gunfire. As we were waiting for it to subside, grenades began to go off repeatedly near us (we were at the top of the industrial tower near the apartments on the west side). My friend was killed from an unknown cause and I took up a defensive position to cover his body while he tried running back. While I was waiting, explosions continued to sound repeatedly in the area (who the hell could find that many grenades legitimately?) and suddenly my inventory changed. I checked my gear and I now had several high-end guns I did not find, ammo for all, an upgraded backpack, ghili suit, NVGs and a rangefinder.

I did not find this gear legit, and I do not want it. It takes all the fun out of discovering things on your own and makes the game pretty effing pointless. I called this out on our Mumble server to my friend running back to his corpse, and he reported the same thing had just happened to him. At this point I am still at the top of the industrial tower and am occasionally seeing a ghost image of another player flashing around the roof (it would be visable for just a moment in different locations and then be gone - this wasn't artifacting from my friend's corpse as it was a completely different character model)

At this point it was clear there were something wrong going on with that server so we logged out to report it. I immediately got an error message in regards to my weapon file which shut Arma down, and on restarting the program I was unable to enter multiplayer (error message: Invalid Handle). Using Steam I verified the game cache and it reported two files incorrect and replaced them. At that point I could get into Arma but trying to log into any DayZ server instantly kicked me back to the menu.

Server Admins - Please investigate this. While I didn't have Fraps running to provide video proof, I strongly believe someone is fucking around on your server and ruining the game for others.

Game Admins - Is there a resolution to the Invalid Handle/Insta-boot? (corrupted game files?- Should I reinstall?) Is someone using my GUID for spoofing? Or did I somehow get banned via BattleEye?

Please help - I just want to go back to playing this awesome mod with my friends.

***EDIT** After crawling the troubleshooting section I've found that others are having the kicked from server at every attempt as wellm (along with a few potential fixes), so it may be a technical issue with the steam update rather than related to the hacker modifying my inventory. I'll check it when I get home from work and update the thread. Even so, please still look into the server logs and see if you can catch the hacking d-bag.

Edited by Lictalon

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I am the friend that was rolling with Lictalon when this happened. We heard constant grenade explosions for around 5 minutes then I suddenly died from no clear cause. Upon respawn I was suddenly decked out with all this high end gear, as I expect majority of people on the server were. What was strange was that when I logged into other servers all the gear was gone, even when I logged into US 427 again I had the starting equipment back. But to make the night even more aggravating Lictalon suddenly couldn't log into any servers. Very frustrating and quickly put an end to the night.

I know you guys are probably already looking into the technical fixes with this latest update, but there's a big hacking problem in the game that really needs to be dealth with!

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Confirmed the being unable to reconnect was due to the Steam update issue and not the script kiddie nonesense. I followed the directions provided in the troubleshooting section as was able to reconnect.

That being said I am just going to add US 427 to my personal list of servers to avoid and hope my luck holds in avoiding the script kiddies (this was my first unfortunate run-in with them so far)

Still - I hope the admins of US 427 keep an eye on the server logs

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