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TheMachine's Daily hacking Brief

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Hacking is getting so common now that I've decided I'm going to start documenting it in a thread.

I'll be posting screenshots when possible and stories of my experience of hacking each day I play DayZ.

Day 1: Wed 25th July

I'm in Cherno on the hospital roof waiting for my friend to log in, I hear what I think is a silenced weapon shooting outside.

Turns out that it's actually a guy with a fully automatic crossbow.

He comes up on the roof in the 'rocket outfit' and tries to bolt me to death, assuming he's probably invincible, I logout.


We change server.

We're killed by invincible hackers with silenced M4A1's who we each hit multiple times with Lee enfields.

We change server.

Now someone teleports us to debug wasteland and turns us into goats!


Some people become cows.


We then become rabbits.


Then we become guy in red beret, otherwise known as Rocket outfit.


Everyone starts shooting each other then the hacker spawns some planes and busses and kills everyone.

We change server.

Guy rides up on a bike, we shoot him with a Lee enfield, he laughs on direct chat and kills us both.

He's an invincible hacker.

That's it for today.

Tomorrow I'll no doubt bring you more stories of how our shit got ruined by hackers.

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We were all just inst-killed on AU1 about 3-4 hours ago. No warning, just everyone was killed at once. Then Server went down.. because server went down noone could retrieve their corpses...

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Well thank god i was briefed here, i sure did not feel like clicking on Cheat Reporting and just reading EVERYTHING in there that is related this this.

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I'm just bringing that reality of cheating home, to the people that keep saying 'I've never seen it, therefor it's not going on'.

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I know hacking is bad, but I couldn't avoid laughing at the whole goat/cow/rabbit thing.

Yeah that was pretty funny, shame we didn't log out as rabbits.

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Posted this on our forums earlier ....

It is bloody disheartening when you type in a search word in Google and it comes up with the most frequent searches in the auto-complete section. Just "DayZ hacki" will autocomplete the most popular searches .... forum, guide, scripts. :(

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Only one hacker today, I was killed by a guy in elektro who laughed and said 'why you trying to kill me?' as I shot him 5 times with a lee enfield.

I asked him why he was hacking, he told me 'I'm a pro'.

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Wednesday 31 july.

3 servers, 3 groups of hackers.

We killed the first group about 4 times and looted the same stuff every time, AS50's, silenced m4's, coyote BPs etc.

Second server.

We got rolled by invisible people spawning around us and killing us.

Third server, had a long as fight with hackers around cherno who kept coming back with their thermal scoped weapons, we eventually lost and called it a night.

Hacking is getting so out of hand now, I really don't know if I can play dayz anymore at this point.

Edited by TheMachine

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Thursday 2nd of august.

2 servers, first was free of hackers (surprisingly).

Second had a team of hackers in cherno that we kept killing and they kept coming back with 50 cals all the time.

They eventually got us all and we logged out, can't fight people who die with no consequence.

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We ran into hackers on ANZ 1 multiple times last night.

We shot a guy with an AS50, twice, and he didn't die.

He was teleporting around with a silenced weapon killing everyone.

What a tough guy.

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