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We just died for no apparent reason?

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So, me and a friend was outside rogovo in a treeline, we saw two guys on a ATV, we managed to kill them after they broke my leg. About five minutes later we just died for no reason. We both fell to the ground and we died.. We think it was a hacker since we both had 12000 blood and died at the very same second, however we have a friend on the same server that didn't die. Anyone know what happened? We were completely hidden, no one shot us we just died.

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Nope admins cant give u ur gear back. That's just part of the game as it is ATM. Hackers can freely do as they want due to a very outdated anti cheat engine.

It's sad, but.....

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Awh you've got to be kidding me? Had a frickin' silenced M4A1 CCO and ghillie suit, NVG and stuff, had survived for a long time and got zombie kills and murders and stuff. Oooohhhh god

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its happened a couple of times to me, probably most people here.

very often the most fun part for me has been the start. i quite enjoy stumbling around at night with a road flare and a makarov around the coast, can be quite exhilirating. sometimes better than taking so much care and attention as you do when you have been alive a while.

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I was playing a couple weeks ago and the entire server dropped dead apart from a few players.

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