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US 448 (Atlanta 49)

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Me and my friend just finished getting silenced M4, AS50, and some medical supplies, we had 2 silenced m4's.

The hacker teleported everyone on the map to his location and shot everyone dead.

Edit: Didn't get his name, didn't know how too.. also don't have a screenshot of it, Im loggin back in to see if he does it again so I can take one, :/

Edited by Quickler

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Hey dude. Me and a buddy of mine were one that day. I wasn't a server mod yet so, there was nothing I could do. Therefore, I wasn't (we weren't) able to get a name, however, if it happens again, action will be taken; the recent influx of hacks has had us tighten our security a bit.

Edited by Helwig

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Hey guys I found one of the hackers, I had killed him and two of his buddies in the supermarket of a major city... He got butt hurt he was killed and teleported to me and my friend with a m4 SD and a AS50 in his bag, killed me and my buddy, then continued to to spawn kill as we spawned in by teleporting to us. I caught his first part of his name and I hope that is enough.... it was something along the lines of "Dr.oz" or "Dr.Z" name starting with "Dr" He also had a hack where he could not be killed. Admins please do something about this guy he is killing your game... I do not have any screenshots or videos but I hope this is enough to do something. I believe he is just mad that he can not play the game legit and be good. lol

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Without a 100% confirmation, our hands are tied. However, any "Godmode", teleporting, spawning hackers we catch wind of, we take care of promptly (with full server shutdown so they don't kill more people). Game gets more popular, means more people are playing which means more hackers... so it seems, as there has been a lot more recently.

We will look into the logs but, again without proof, we can't really do anything.

But if you find anything else, feel free to post here, PM me, or send and e-mail to the address indicated on the server MOTD.

Screenshots/videos help too. Grab fraps or use steam to catch them in the act -- its a sure-fire way of catching them.

Edited by Helwig

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