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Patch & Throwing

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Happens during night or day across all servers for me.

What happened:

Can no longer throw things while in prone. If you are prone and try to throw, it goes through the animation but throws nothing. Then forces you to crouch and goes through the animation again this time actually throwing the item. Only been tested with chemlights and flares.

Where you were:

First time I noticed I was outside of elektro but it happened all across the map from the airstrip to solyichny. Happens in buildings also.

What you were doing:

Laying prone trying to throw a flare or chemlight.

*Current installed version:

NOTE** It looks to be an animation bug. You guys should add a section in the bug report format to add what kind of bug it is (Animation, UI, ect) for people with understanding of game mechanics/ect who can give you a little more in depth on the bug. Should help you guys find the bugs faster.

EDIT* Removed unnecessary information.

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