Treeclipper 0 Posted July 25, 2012 Hi all,Only my second post , but would like to say thanks to Tim.Was running around Stary with a workmate and was killed by the obligatory Bandits that hang around there. Lost a lot of good stuff but luckly my mate survied and horsed it into the woods to hide.Was thinking to myself shit this is goinna take ages to get back to stary as I respawned outside komarova(think thats what its called). was in the warehouse by the beach looking for a axe or something to defend myself. There were 2 other survivors in the building but they wouldn't talk to me and were in he same defenceless state :). Next thing I here a car horn outside and some on direct comms shouting for us to get in. Went down and jumped in but the other 2 wouldn't follow. told the guy driving(Tim) that I'd just died in Stary and was trying to get back there, no problem he say's I'll give you a lift. He takes of a long the coast and proceeds to go to Zelenagorsk, on the way we were chatting and I commented that it was cool not having to run and this was my 1st time in vehicle. He say's it'll be cooler in a mo. We get there and he says help yourself to whats in the back.My god it was like the gun locker scene from the matrix , stacked with high end gear. He advised me what to take and kitted me out. Next thing he says is jump in jeep we need to drive a bit.He drove accross a couple of fields and there's a huey sitting in the middle, wow I thinks to myself. We jump in and are on our way to Stary to pick up my mate. Once there we pick him up and fly to another field where he is going to kit my mate out as he brought a lot of stuff with him. We stand in field chatting and getting chris kitted out, we were just deciding what to do and Chris drops dead , someone sniped him. All hell lets loose and I think Tim got hit then I got hit, I managed to crawl off and escaped although badly wounded. I think Tim d'ced as I couldn't find him after this. Was a really decent bloke and was very sad that we'd got him killed , but if he's reading this I would like to say a big thanks and also thanks for restoring my faith in folks in this game, I only wish I could remember what server we were in , cos I could look for him again.Boring story to some of you , but like I say he changed my mind on how to play this game. If I can I will help folks from no on and not turn to Banditary. cheers allTree Share this post Link to post Share on other sites