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Lets get together and kill douches/survive

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Lets get together and kill douches/survive. I'm looking for a few loyal dudes to survive/kill with. It sucks being all alone and then just getting killed with no one to help me. Would be nice to make a hit squad and try to survive.

Anyone in? I play nearly all day long on German servers. Any ideas? Anyone who wants to partner up?

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aye im in! MY STEAM NAME IS " flip31o " with the letter o not the #0 so add me asap and im in cherno so yea im loaded with food and med supplies

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i try to add you on steam but it says "This feature is not available at this time" i guess they are doing maintenance on the friend search thingy.

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i know im mad right now cuz its telling me the same thing so yea aye ima check on a low ping server real quick hold on

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DE468 server is more stable. Try that one. im in there now.

Sexydragon, i am unable to use skype right now because the country I am in ip blocks it. I'll be able to use skype in a few days though when I leave.

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YEA ummm there is no server with that name what region are you from. i live in cali so

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I'll be back in the US in a few days so we can play there. dont worry.

Anyone else interested in joining me at DE468?

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