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Why do you need two main weapons?

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I keep hearing that it is better to have two main weapons (one equipped and one in the backpack). Why is it necessary?

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Idk why othes do it but I do it cause I have a sniper, I need a full autovif im in close quarters

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-Can defend urself in close combat when ur a sniper.


-Not much bagage space


Solo & sniper=> two mains, you don't need the epi pen/blood bags/extra medicinal shit, only what u need urself.

Anything else=> stick to one main, make sure u got tons of supplies(blood bags, epi pens, morfine) to aid your buddies.

  On 7/25/2012 at 12:11 PM, thatguyjames said:

Yea i use to have a dmr equiped and a mk 48 for mid range and pdw for extrem close range :)

This guy is perfect example of lone wolf sniper equipment, altough i have no idea why u wud use PDW in extreme close range when u got a Mk .48. Apart from zombies maybe, but u might aswell throw cans at them instead of using that pdw.

Edited by AluCaRdBe
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  On 7/25/2012 at 12:13 PM, amok2kk said:

m14 for players

bizon for zombies


Note that you're replying in the 'new player section', i am 99% sure he hasn't seen either of those weapons, hell, even i haven't seen a bison yet.

This is a way of having 2 mains aswell. Altho, for me, those 10 bags spaces isn't worth the benefit the second main gives over a hangdun for killing zombies

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Personally, I run a sniper of some sort, and an M4A3 CCO, or something similar in my bag. I pick my primary based on my role for the mission i'm currently running with my squad. Normally it's Sniper/Overwatch, which is good, cause I normally have an M107 or AS50, and I don't wanna be looting a town with that long ass barrel towering over me.

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Two weapons is good but also can clutter your backpack,my combination would be a Winchester for zombies and an M4A3 mostly for players.

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I actually team play but i sometimes i would have to disconnect half way though a mission and end up 10km from base haha yea i know the pdw isnt for everyone but the ammo is everywhere and i only tend to bother killing the zombies if they are in buildings so yea 30 mag clip is great :D but yes now after we kept getting screwed by hackers its cherno lurking for me ceebs doing the big raids of the past anymore.

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All personal preference, so "better" is just fucking bullshit.

For me / most people this changes daily, as our group does different stuff all the time.

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I've never seen the need for that second main weapon, assuming you can find the right sidearm.

I've taken to keeping revolvers or PDW's handy for Zeds, keep my main ready for other players.

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Thanks for the replies, guess I'll continue lugging that secondary main in my backpack :)

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I have an automatic weapon for running around in the day and an FN FAL with night vision for night raids on the NW Airfield. i did have the bizon as main but stupidly left all my ammo behind when i put it down to swap weapons so i'm now running with the AKS-74 Kobra. i like the M9SD but its not always easy to fond ammo for so a G17 or M1911 are my sidearm of choice.

I know 2 of those weapons are rare but i was lucky enough to find them both at the same chopper crash site.

Keep exploring and you will get lucky and find something that suits your play style.

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  On 7/25/2012 at 12:05 PM, Karnage953 said:

Idk why othes do it but I do it cause I have a sniper, I need a full autovif im in close quarters

So there u have ur answer this is the reason why I take 2 Main weapons with me xDDDD

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DMR and a silenced submachine gun/ assault rifle for zombies or CQB.

However I mostly use my handgun for zombies. But if I'm on the raid shift then I switch out to my M4A1 CCO SD

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  On 7/25/2012 at 12:35 PM, Justice0320 said:

I have an automatic weapon for running around in the day and an FN FAL with night vision for night raids on the NW Airfield.

I always wondered, is there any benefit from running with that FAL instead of a general night scope???

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No idea, normally uses cz 550 for long range and as a binocular, and uses 1911 for close combat and eliminating infected.

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M16 Acog (wand the L85 ASW)

Reason is when I solo I want sustained fire and larger mags for getting rid of zombies and pesky players who want my loot. The m24 comes in when I meet up with friends, I get to have a nice lay down in the grass and watch their backs while they look for loot in towns and the airfield.

Sniper riffles are only for players pretty much. No point in using them on zombies.

I used to roll with an M4 cco SD and a non SD weapon. SD ammo isnt as easy to find so I used that one only when needed but its good for players and zombies for obvious reasons. Got attacked by bandits, they got my buddy, I hid and took out 3 of them before 2 ran away cause they had no idea where I was, killed a 4th while he was trying to split. Once you run out of ammo tho the gun is too valuable just to toss, and tents are too easily raided, so the second goes in the backpack till I find more ammo.

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