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Millzee (DayZ)

Small group looking for more active members.

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Hi, first off we're not a clan or anything like that, we're all equals playing the game for the fun of it. We currently consist of 5 members, all active and well geared. We have a good understanding of the game, and we're looking for more people to join us on our journeys! We consist of English, German, Spanish and Swedish speaking players! We are a friendly group looking to get more consistent and active members to join us.

We are all 20 years +, we have mic's, we use skype as a tool to communicate, and we welcome anybody who feels like they could fit in!

To find out more if your interested, add me on skype - king_loz

Feel free to reply to this topic also which I will be checking, and add something about yourself and we can sort something out!

Cheers, Millsy.

We mainly play in the GMT + 1 time zone, so that would be best.

Edited by Millzee
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Hi, been looking for others to play with, i´ve been playing for about a month and also have a good understanding of dayz and i have some decent gear. From sweden so were in the same time zone. if its ok by you guys i would like to join your group

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Well dont really know what kind of details, but here it goes. Im 18 in september, i play as much as i can when im not working, Im in the time zone GMT+1, my skype is mmaaaad

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Hey, I'm Greg, 24, French native. I added you on Skype and sent you a pm as well to get in touch. I'm really looking forward into joining a small group to make the game experience more thrilling. Ready to go further into details about myself and my motivation through Skype.

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messaged you on skype(hopefully) only just got it yesterday so unsure. pm me if you didnt receive and i can give deets on here

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Hey my name is Mitch, im 15 and have only just started playing DayZ so i'm looking to team up for some players and make the experince better. I live in the UK... Timezone : GMT skype name : Mitch_Randell

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Hai, I'm Ben, 27 from Yorkshire, i've been playing about 8 hours now. I think! Got a 1911, akm, a few medical supplies 5 full canteens of water and some food, getting quite bored of sneaking around on my own eating beans, pasta, sheep and cows for blood!

Anyway, i'm a bit of a noob, met 1 person, he started shooting at me just after i typed friendly, so dropped him with a lucky shot, felt preyy bad about it lol. Avoided many people. Mainly because i didnt have a mic in operation so i couldnt ID them verbally. Got one sorted now though =]

I'm usually online around 1800 gmt for a few hours. Casually sneaking around. ;]

I'm on skype : e99one

And steam : eggmundo

usually in game with : eggmundo

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This looks like an interesting mixture of EU players and I believe you're missing a dutchman so if you want I'll hop in on skype some time.

22 years old. playing dayz for 2-3 months. Atm I'm fully geared and waiting for tents to be fixed, next objective is the hunt for a chopper (they are coming back soon). This looks like a good group for that.

I'll add you and see what happens.

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Going through everyones adds on skype currently! If you add and see me online drop me a message and i'll get back to you guys :)

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Hey, I'm nearly new in this game but looking for some mates to get through this "hell". I'm 24 and from Germany. Active, friendly and Zombiegamefan.

PM me if you're (or anyone else) is interessted


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Sounds like a nice group to be in with,please add me on skype superstarrat, 20 years old Lancashire.Been playing for 2 months and know what it takes to survive!

Edited by Lid

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