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dayZ & ACE

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So if dayZ is fully integrated into ArmA II does that mean it will be compatible with ACE mod ? for the weapon sounds, wind etc

Or is that not possible ? It would be good the ACE mod rocks

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Not with the current rules given to server admins. Ace is a mod, and requires the key to be enabled on the server. Currently, we are not allowed to enable any keys on the server

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Rocket actually covered this in an interview this week.

While he would love to allow support for it, it screws with the audibility system in Arma II (which would cause zombies to become even more tragicly flawed).

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Rocket actually covered this in an interview this week.

While he would love to allow support for it, it screws with the audibility system in Arma II (which would cause zombies to become even more tragicly flawed).

Can you link to the interview? I would love to watch it to get an idea of whether the sound and visibility is client side(which it might indicate from what you are saying) if it isnt, then im not sure i see his standpoint, as using the mod would be users choice.

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umm I remember it turning up in the FPSGuru interview with Pokket, was fairly late in the interview.

EDIT: 51:10ish, initially talks about JRSRS mod, but then expands that "sound mod alters audibility levels, which screws with dayZ" which to me suggests Rocket has most certainly looked into it.

Edited by Scyrehawk
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cool thanks for the replies.

Just it seemed to work fine with the SP version of dayZ when i tested it - which was an early version of the mod. Pre 1.6

But i guess because of the sound it could easily mess with it and would require even more work to integrate.

ACE adds alot of nice features - Maybe because both are great mods i guess we could only dream of a collaberation to get a special ACE dayz version - even with the sound ripped out :)

Would be nice oh well

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Alot of private hives already run ACE with DayZ, including some of the Lingor Island versions.

Seem's to work great and adds a whole new level of realism. Exhaustion is a pain in the ass though!

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