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In a pickle. Need advice.

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So me and 3 friends were wandering in the Zelenogorsk area with no morphine (you can see where this is going). My friend got hit by a zombie and broke his leg. We checked the nearby areas for some morphine, but no luck. We're at least 30 minutes from the Cherno hospital if we sprint. We're not entirely sure what to do at the moment. We have decent weapons (one AK and 3 Enfields), but we are quite a ways from any medical supplies. Any suggestions on what to do?

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Deer stands have them.

You could also post in one of the threads hereabouts offering medical services.

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Youll have to do that, tell him to log out and wait for the okay. Make sure all of your team has 2 morphine on them at all times :P

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2 options as I see it. 1. run to cherno and pick up the med supplies on a low pop server and run back 2. get him to suicide and make sure he keeps the kameka spawn so you can run back with him to grab his weapons. Hope this helps :D

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Some of the most fun you can have in this game is racing against the clock to save your buddy (or even a complete stranger, for that matter). :-)

If you can't manage as a group, post here, there may be someone nearby!


I'd help but I'm on the east coast currently, would take me too long to be worth your while.

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I have more of a joke idea, get one guy to leave whatever you don't want to lose with the rest of the group and have him run to Cherno with a tin can for the hospital window. Charge in break window steal med supplies and run the hell back. Simple or am i missing something?

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I'm in a similar situation, but I'm alone in the woods of zelenogorsk :) So please, if you find a crawling guy there, don't shoot meh :)

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