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Hey guys i am a big fan of the game(mod) but i want to know what type of computer or laptop i should use

i am getting a macbook soon would that be good enough to play this?

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I've seen about 10 threads recently from people struggling with Macbooks.

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dont get a laptop to game thats all I can tell you. building a desktop will be way cheap and offer better performance / gaming experience.

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Im using a 600$ HP computer with 10 GB DDR3, a quad core processor, AMD Radeon HD 7660D graphics card. I can run DayZ at max settings, with AA and Postprocessing turned off. (they make the game look wierd anyways). Im also running at 1366x728x33 resolution, if that makes any difference, which, in terms of other games, such as minecraft, it would.

However, a much more simple computer, probably with 4-6 gb ddr3, dual core, and a decent graphics card should be able to at least run it without a hitch at decent frames, albeit all low graphics settings

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thanks for the help guys

I am probably not going to be able to get a Desktop

But does anyone think an alienware would be good

I dont know the specs for the mac yet but when i do i will post it on here

Edited by nomad98

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Alienware are good machines in general, but they are also severely overpriced. Unfortunately for a gaming laptop you don't have *tons* of choice.

Honestly for the price of a macbook or an alienware, you can get a cheaper laptop (or even a tablet?) and build a moderate desktop for gaming. Unless it's an issue of space, I seriously suggest this plan.

Edited by utsutsu

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I built a PC for 700$ (For video editing), I'm running DayZ on my secondary HDD and it runs top spec.

I've got an i5 processor, Radeon HD card (can't remember the model, it's a couple years old) and it runs smooth with AA off, highest resolution.

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I now play on a custom desktop, but:

I have a laptop with an i7, 8GB DDR3 RAM and a 5650 and it's playable but only on the lower settings, I think.

Building a desktop is much more cost-efficient and you'll be able to play it on max for a lot cheaper than you would if you were to buy a laptop.

Edited by Abruzzi

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thanks for the help guys

I am probably not going to be able to get a Desktop

But does anyone think an alienware would be good

I dont know the specs for the mac yet but when i do i will post it on here

I have an alienware and i can tell you that they are great. I have a laptop for the fact that i travel a lot. Desktops are better for gaming though and you can save money if you build your own.

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dont get a laptop to game thats all I can tell you. building a desktop will be way cheap and offer better performance / gaming experience.

This. Combined with the fact that laptops are build to break after the guarantee ends makes them only good for office work.

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