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US 766. Everyone killed, now a jet is flying around.

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Randomly Died while traveling around up north, not entirely sure where. Chat filled up with <player> was killed.

Spawned back in near kamenka a few minutes later after a short break and saw a jet. :o

update: looting kamenka and searching for the jet so that I might challenge it to honorable combat when suddenly I have NVG's, mk 48, 1911 and every gadget possible. Now stuck in inventory window, can't move. Can anyone else playing on US 766 confirm please? I feel like i'm going insane. :X

update2: joined a new server and still had all the kit from US 766. dumped it on a zombie and hid the body. R.I.P. zombie.



Edited by The_Virious

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i can confirm this i joined the server to check and it happened again

Thank you, sir! :)

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