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Luke Nufc

Looking for UK partner to explore with!

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I'm fairly alright at the game but i'm looking for 1 or 2 people to team up with.

Steam: Posho70

Skype: Luke_nufc

I have just died so It should be easy to find each other : )

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i only started today so im up for a join up.


on steam

Edited by Zamen

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you can count me in if you can find me!

lindoe in game, philth or philthy on steam, cannot play via steam for some reaosn

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add me on steam (devmagic) or skype (devmagic18). also from the uk looking for team

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Im looking to team up with some people, skype : Mitch_Randell

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Add me on steam: jel100599

Im quite new to DayZ

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What sort of days/times do you peeps get on?

Had a lovely encounter last night. Met someone and went to help them get their gear back, it had already gone (Elektro) so they suggeted we head to Cherno.

Off me plod, he gets mauled by some zeds, I stop to help out (I had an axe he had nothing) and got my leg broke!

Crawled back to Elektro (about 20 mins) and no morphine!!

This is why we all need to team up!!!

So I will be respawning with a bust leg god knows where!!

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