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crashed chopper.

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when i go to an crashed chopper i cant look at gear and my friend neither.. :o?

If you are talking about the crashed chopper that is spawned into the game, the gear appears around the chopper not in the gear section.

If you are talking about a chopper that was crashed by players, the gear is lost.

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Two options: 1) Crawl around, moving your mouse, covering all the ground within 10 metres of the chopper, scrolling your mousewheel to see if a take/gear option pops up, then try to find it again. 2) Someone already beat you to it, loot won't respawn, so if it's gone, it's gone, first come first served(/sniped).

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Adding on, occasionally loot can spawn underneath the helicopter, crawl up to either side of the cockpit just behind the guns and see if you can find a loot pile, if there is one under it, then opening it should spawn all the loot that is meant to be there.

Happened to me, L85 hiding under the chopper.

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