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Quick question does Six Launcher update me to Patch 1.62 or do i need to do this manually?

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As the title says really, i'm just curious if Six Launcher downloads and applies the patch manually or if i need to download the patch from Bohemia's website and manually install it myself?

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It does it automatically if you have that option checked in the Six Launcher options.

Click the Options link in the bottom left corner of the Six Launcher "Days" server browser. (The black server browser window that says Days real big in the top left)

Under options select the "Update Beta Patch when updating" check box. Its not checked by default.

I also have the Force beta patch check box selected in my options window.


Edited by Cinnabuns

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Thanks for both replies, Cinnabus i'll give what you said a try as it's probably more user friendly doing it via Six Launcher. I know it's only a matter of downloading it and double clicking the exe but i just don't want any complications spoiling my game and Six Launcher has never let me down before so i'll let it do the work for me :)

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