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I killed my friend last night. (small story)

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Well, that was a goof worthy of a chuckle or two.

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Why do you pretend to be a girl?

They could either be a girl or one of those guys who are into "Kawaii" stuff. (Japanese for cute)

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Good job you weren't holding a grenade..

One of my clanmates did that. He was using a tent to drop off weaps and forgot he had a nade in his inventory. Alt+tab ..... in the middle of the camp.

End result was 3 dead and another needing a blood transfusion and morphine. The bugger didn't even have a scratch.

(Sorry Hex ... had to be told!)

Edited by osirish

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Why do you pretend to be a girl?

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It's funny you should mention that all the players in Electro were dead as that was the same for me about 15 minutes ago. Usually I see quite a few very much alive players running about the place looting the firehouses and such but everyone was dead. I assumed it must have either been a massive fight that broke out between players and then the zombies got involved. Maybe we were on the same server anyway doing what I do best I decided to loot ammo and food off of them.

That's rather unfortunate that your AK started to randomly fire, I usually have mine on semi and only really use full when players are around as at that point i'm not bothered about ammo but getting out of there alive. It was a funny story none the less.

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Just run the game through steam then u get to use steam overlay lol

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I have scared the crap out of myself doing the same thing. A few times when ive been on my own in the forest and another time with 4 friends at our vehicle hideout haha (didnt kill any of them though like you did).

RIP to your friend.

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I once emptied my AKM's clip this way in Zelenogorsk. Needless to say, the local population was pretty interested. My friend also almos shot one of our dudes, hit his rifle like five times with an Mk 48.

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