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Unconscious upon starting a server, Really long hourglass wait.

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I heard that this is a character bug and having a friend shoot you in the legs and applying morphine after fixes this, but I can't confirm.

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player id: 16739526

Simply was killed by zombies. I logged back in and went afk, to another "you are dead" screen. now every time I log in, I'm unconscious, not bleeding, but with blood flashing. The conscious meter does not go down at all. I wasn't alt-f4 logging, because I did die a natural death (consumption via zombies). My problem is that I can't respawn out of the unconscious state. server was us 3110 and i'm not concerned with gear. I'd just like to play the game.

thanks for any help.

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I am pretty new. I've been working out controls, exploring, seeing what I can pick up & interact with, and what I can't. I found out you could open the outhouses, and this one outhouse I opened had a couple of tin cans in there. I wasn't sure if they were part of the environment, or if I could pick them up. I was crouching, going prone, standing back up, generally being a bit of a messy button masher trying to figure out if I could pick up the cans.

I then accidentally closed the outhouse door as I was in the doorway, not sure if I was prone, crouching, or standing. It gave me broken bones, put me into shock, and knocked me unconscious... This was about 3 hours ago... By the looks of the hourglass, I have about 1 more hour to go until I wake up... I have not logged out since I knocked myself out with the outhouse door, still there, still waiting...

I'm thinking the game scales the unconsious timer with some unknown variable, not sure what it could be... They should put a hard limit on it that's just a teensie bit less than "4 whole hours" I think, for the odd times when terrain collision glitches when spawning, or standing near swinging doors, and your guy gets a concussion.


Oh, great... Timer's up, and I'm still unconscious... I got a diologue now that says No Entry 'Bin\config/bin\cfgglasses\baret_g or somesuch... I'd type it a little more accurately, but the game just hard crashed... Got the diologue again upon rejoin, ehh, hope I can still play, I mean I just bought this... Oh, hooray! Was able to create a new character on one of the servers, first few tries wouldn't let me... Spawned in the debug plains with a broken leg on the latest attempt... So dark, so rainy... Wish me luck...

Edited by Chump

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I also was killed near electro trying to steel a car from snipers in the forest. (bumped into it by luck)(but because i did not know how to start the car i accidentily pushed the horn (big mistake :) ). After that i spawn uncunsious and when i wait to die of starvation i am kicked from server after 3 minutes of no action.

Is there a way by an admin to reset my character?

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Can anyone confirm this and it's just not a bug?

Also this keeps happening to me even though i have been offline for the last 8 hours come back still happening to me.

Not a bug. It happens to me when I try and find a server with reasonable ping. This can happen if you sit in the lobby too many times, or for too long.

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meh it happend to my the infanit hourglass, but i was runing along then boom wasted by a hacker now im just laying there, i do now know what to do i have changed names sat there for liek an hour nothing i just layign there with the hour glass

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This has happened to me. It started last night and I didn't leave servers at all and all I want to do is play. My food and drink have just now started to turn red. Any solutions?

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