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Cannot Find Weapons

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Hey there, I'm a newb player, newbier than most newbs too. At first, gameplay for me was strolling down a road admiring the scenery for half an hour, seeing a building, hearing zombie yells, sprinting away for 15-20 minutes with neither of us fatigued, and then committing suicide.

By now I've learned how to lose a zombie when I've aggro'd it, but it still takes a lot of time and effort. It's also downright IMPOSSIBLE for me to get within 40 yards of any openable building without aggroing a zombie or five. How do I find weapons if I can't even go in buildings? What's my next step to not being a bottom feeder?

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Barns typically have low-tier weaponry that's useful as a basis for higher-risk adventuring.

And by barns I refer to those that have their doors opened on both the front and back, which make it easy to escape from zombies.

Once you have yourself something humble, go for the bigger catch.


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You have to sneak into buildings with C and Shift or Z.

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You have to sneak into buildings with C and Shift or Z.

Yes, thanks, I'm fully aware of the controls. Well, except for how to go into third person without a num pad, but other than that I'm ok!

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Yes, thanks, I'm fully aware of the controls. Well, except for how to go into third person without a num pad, but other than that I'm ok!

You can bind keys in the controls menu.


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You can bind keys in the controls menu.


Which I have done for several keys. I simply cannot find the listed action for switching perspectives. What's it called, exactly? And, sorry to be such a nag.

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Yes, thanks, I'm fully aware of the controls. Well, except for how to go into third person without a num pad, but other than that I'm ok!

I think you can set the third person button to something else in the Options menu.

You can refer to a DayZ loot map or just search the wilds for deer stands (they look like wooden watchtowers). And like what MONSTER said, look into barns for guns and supplies. Its actually a place where I would get a gun anyway, since its harder to find higher-tier weaponry.

Also, remember what a building looks like if you see loot in it. If you find it repeated in another area it would have loot too.

Edit: DANM IT MONSTER YOU BEAT ME TO THE COMMENT >:c (No seriousness intended).

Edited by Etmer

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Which I have done for several keys. I simply cannot find the listed action for switching perspectives. What's it called, exactly? And, sorry to be such a nag.

Mm, I can never remember this.

It may have something to do with 'Optics', but I may be completely wrong.


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zombies move slower inside building so even if u aggro some just get in doors , loot and by time you done that they probs jsut minicng about inside with you , u can leave un-harmed or shoot there face off if you found a gun

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Which I have done for several keys. I simply cannot find the listed action for switching perspectives. What's it called, exactly? And, sorry to be such a nag.

The bind key for third person is TOGGLE VIEW. Look it in your controls and bind it and voilá. You can thank me later.

Edited by vanden1989

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My tactic for grabbing early weapons and when you have nothing to loose is to spawn into one of the big 2 and just hit and run tactics which is basically where you dont care how many zombies you agro you just run though as many buildings as you can which have 2 entrances so you run grab the loot run out the other side and keep running when you have small amounts of loot then just keep running :D low pop servers always help to with little pvp, and my fav city to loot is cherno AND last tip always avoid the fire stations because usually they are already looted and it is VERY easy to get killed in there. Hope this helps and good luck looting :D

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Thank you all. So, if I end up inside a building with zombies, and there are no weapons in the loot, I'm actually NOT totally boned?

Edited by harbingeroffun

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z + q/e

The best way to sneak.

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Thank you all. So, if I end up inside a building with zombies, and there are no weapons in the loot, I'm actually NOT totally boned?

No, if you lead them in far enough, you can run past them. They're forced to a crawl indoors.


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Nope, you just need to be more stealthy. Until you get tooled up it can be a bit of a crawlathon. Sometimes it can be useful to watch a building for a while. When you get within 200m is when the Zeds will spawn there so at that point they will all be gathered around the building. If you wait a while they spread out giving you a better chance. Also, use empty tin cans and whisky bottles. Throw them away from the building and the Zeds will go and check out the sound. If your lucky enough to find a smoke grenade, that works as a distraction too.

Edited by Fraggle

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No not at all man it usually takes 1 and a half hours for me of full looting in cherno before i have what im happy to go out with. 2 tier weapon, revolver, alice pack, lots of food, med supplies, map and compass hunting knife hatchet and now cammo because it spawns again :D This is a pretty essential list to survive a few days out there

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Nope, you just need to be more stealthy. Until you get tooled up it can be a bit of a crawlathon. Sometimes it can be useful to watch a building for a while. When you get within 200m is when the Zeds will spawn there so at that point they will all be gathered around the building. If you wait a while they spread out giving you a better chance. Also, use empty tin cans and whisky bottles. Throw them away from the building and the Zeds will go and check out the sound. If your lucky enough to find a smoke grenade, that works as a distraction too.

This isn't 100%, sometimes they just completely ignore it.


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