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INC Garro

M107 TWS on UK 124

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I'm fairly new to the game and was on UK124 at about 00:20 GMT this morning. While one of my friends waited in cover I was looting the buildings opposite the lake north of Zelenogrosk when a Hummer pulled out and five guys got out . Luckily for me my friend has quick reactions and they hadn't spotted him so he managed to take out four of them, the last one jumped back into the Hummer and drove away.

We looted the bodies and made our way back to our camp to log out but I checked out the gear I had picked up first. What I at first thought was a standard M107 turned out to have a thermal sight which I was rather pleased about. I then logged out.

Thought I would do a bit of reading this morning in my break and noticed that it shouldn't be in the game and that if it is in you inventory when you log out you will get a global ban. Obviously don't want this to happen so I'm just looking for some help please.


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It's hacked, but u won't get banned wearing hacked stuff...

While writing your post you could have used forum search where the answer could be found in hundreds of threads...but okay..

Edited by Reo

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Like Reo said, you can't get b& for having hacked stuff unless you have spawned them in yourself.

Only bad thing about having hacked stuff is that it gives and unfair advantage and someone may accuse YOU of cheating

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unless you spawned the gun, you won't get global banned. you might get banned by server admins though. just throw the gun in the ocean or somewhere where no one can find it.

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unless you spawned the gun, you won't get global banned. you might get banned by server admins though. just throw the gun in the ocean or somewhere where no one can find it.

Kill a zombie, put the gun in the zombie, hide body.

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Cheers guys will get rid of next time I logged. Fyi I did do a search and found some threads saying I would get banned and some saying I won't so just thought i'd post anyway for clarity.

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also, take note that if they did in fact drive a humvee, that vehicle is not in the game. they spawned it.

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Do you have any of their names, I am 1 of the server admins on UK124 and we have been trying to find out who it is thats hacking on our server. This would really help us out.


REC5 | Fyrex

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Sadly not Simple, I think if I see the names again I would remember so will pm you if I do, can you not trace who spawned them somehow?

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Simple69, I have been playing on your server for the past month or so now, I have come across a few hacked in vehicles as well as some weapons. I have a screenshot from when the thunderdome was last hacked into the server with the date and time, it may aid you in finding out who has been fucking with the server. It happened often for about a week or so in the past, but hasn't happened since. Althought today one of my clan mates told me over teamspeak that spawned in about 25 vehicles in the same spot near cherno, he may know who had done it as a few people where kicked at the time it happened for script restrictions. I'll get that screenshot to you and see if he calls the userhandle.

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