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Hacked in US 839

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It was on Tuesday morning about 6:30-7 am CST(GMT-6?). I was out in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere(not debug) and I was standing still long before I heard the motor of a quad or something. When I heard it at first I immediately went prone under a pine tree and readied my 550. Being I was under the tree completely and had the engine zeroed I figured I was quite safe as I heard him coming from a mile away. Low and behold the engine cuts off just before it crests the peak of a hill it was behind but I still had the area centered from where the noise was coming so still in good spirit, then I saw the gillie suit pop up over the crest and immediately started taking fire. Before I even had a chance to zoom on him(he was about 50 yards out) I was hit and the looking at the hourglass on my screen.

I had this guy dead to rights seeing as he drove to me on the blind side of a hill crest and I was hidden LONG before I heard his engine coming AND prone for that matter and he was standing straight up. If this guy saw me from far away and drove to me, that was the most ballsy "sniper" rush and luck shot I have ever seen. Im sure it was hack though as admins are rarely on this server and it has no side chat or website associated with it AND it was still the wee hours of the morning in the U.S.

Maphack maybe showed my position?

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