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I now consider alt +f4 acceptable (for the time being)

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I will NEVER alt + F4 in a fight, the idea isn't even on my mind as a backup plan if I'm trapped.

It's weak as shit gameplay and the people that do it deserve to be horse whipped.

However, when it comes to hackers, I will not bend over and take it.

Third time today I've had to close the game to get out quickly due to people hacking.

1. spawning everyone in the same place (presumably to blow us all up)

2. Bombing cherno with god only knows what.

3. 2 wookies with thermal scoped AS50's and mags that last forever.

These clowns were in cherno firing practically full auto on top of the grain silo.

When I climbed up and shot them with an AKM they laughed on direct and said 'can't kill me bro'.

So I alt +F4'd the fuck out before they killed me.

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Sounds good in theory.

Until it becomes second instinct and your doing when engaged in a real fight.

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Battle Eye - Anti Cheat

Sounds like the improved cheat detection from beta is not gonna cut it. There are already reports rolling in of hacks on 1.62 servers, mostly mass teleporting. I was really hopeful when Rocket said that the beta had improved detection but it may be that the hacking is here to stay

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i had num 1 happen to me and 3 / 4 other mates last night, playing on ANZ 8, every1 got ported to 1 location, so we aborted, then ANZ 3 same thing. unforturnately i dont have any footage as i need a new graphics card, only got a Geforce gtx 275 get 15 - 23 fps :S

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Yea, hackers is like the only REAL problem in dayz. Everything else I can deal with.

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Yea, hackers is like the only REAL problem in dayz. Everything else I can deal with.

that's because the hackers have been very active the last few days

a few weeks ago every other thread was "OMG ALT-F4 IS KILLING DAYZ!!!"

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Ive yet to be killed by a hacker but ive been followed by a Helicopter.

ALT - F4 in my opinion is acceptable when being assaulted or followed by a hacker.

No one deserves to be taken out that way.

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