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Some suggestions I think are good

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A friend system (for spawning ) so it dosent take half an hour every time bandits kill us.

A way to send messages privately to people in the lobby.

People who aren't bandits and don't have intentions of murder should start armed even with something so bandits can't rape us as soon as we go into town to arm our self in the first place.

Known bandits should spawn looking like bandits.

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That would suck. You can't give certain people an advantage because of the way they play the game, it's not fair. besides, you will become a bandit yourself one day, whether it's you intentions or not, trust me...

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"This is a GREAT idea." ~sarcasm~

Quit bitching about bandits killing you. If you and a friend want to meet up get in a Teamspeak. I do for one want the bandit skin braught back. My 38 murders and 15 bandit kills aren't as impressive without any way of people knowing.

Starting armed is a terrible idea. It's been done before and it sucks.

"No matter how bad things may seem, they can't get any better and they can't get any worse. Because that's just how things are and you better get used to it, Nancy. Quit your bitchin'"

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