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If you've come to start a thread about hacking please DON'T!!!!!

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seriously guys, we get it.

there are hackers/script kiddies w/e

we all know about them.

they are in every game.

they enjoy your rage. just ignore them, that way you won't feel like your game play is being ruined.

and please for the love of god actually read this thread before posting

if you have come to report hacking THIS LINK WILL TAKE YOU TO THE CHEAT REPORTING BOARD

also for bug reporting and glitches go here

technical help go here

you are all flooding this bored with the same old threads that actually have their own boards that they belong in.

open you eyes and actually read things, look around before posting.

it's like the majority of you have never used forums before

also if you're here to express your hatred dislike for this mod and announce you will no longer be playing... just leave. we don't care that you can't hack the heat.

THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA, IT HAS A LOT OF BUGS AND GLITCHES. if you don't understand this you shouldn't be playing in the first place.

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I don't know what's worse. People complaining about hackers , or people complaining about the people complaining about the hackers.

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Thinking people that post on these forums actually use the search function or read similar threads to yours OP.


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you're a hostile lot aren't ya.

and i do realise 99.999% of these poster will not read this. but the 0.001% that do will hopefully go to the right place meaning in a tiny way this post helped.

after all, you guys read it ^.^

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