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Admin abuse?

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Sorry to start english is not all good

So over alot of server now me and my friends have found vehicles and 1 of two things have happened..

1. on 3 diffrent servers withing 5 mins of us garbing a vehicle the server magically restarts and the vehilce disappears even if we save it. On two of the occasions we went to the spot we found if hidden at and it was there again with people guarding or with people driving off in it.

2. the second issue we found 2 times now on servers we steal a vehicle and park it in a seculded area place tones wire fences/ hedgehogs around it to block it in and we log out. The next day we log in and the vehilce is gone but all the fortifications we placed are still in the exact same spot we placed them.

during both events we have saved the vehicle multiple times the first is pretty obvious that we stole admin vehicle and the crash server to roll back as we took one groups vehicle i na gunfight from then 3 times in a a row same people and same vehicle then server crashes when they are all dead and we are drving off in our new car

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Or someone just stole your car.

There is no such thing as secluded on a server that has 50 or more people on it every few minutes.

Everyone is so jumpy to push blame on admins.

Edited by BobofTibia

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Get some grenades and blow up their precious vehicles. If you can flatten their tents while your at it you get a tin of beans.

Edited by Fraggle
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had the same issue with US 232, and they have not been online very much since that happened. We stole a Jeep from a massive camp and within moments the server restarts. Since then it has been up only sporadically and LOCKED when it is up.

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