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Brylex (DayZ)

Project Anarchy: RECRUITING

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Project Freedom

Due to some people misunderstanding the real meaning behind our old name (which was a positive meaning) which was to promote freedom not anarchy, our new clan name will be called:

Project Freedom. We have changed our name due to people getting way too offended. We weren't going for anarchy, but we were more looking towards Freedom. Thus, Project Freedom. So I apologize for whoever was offended with our old name. Just remember, NAMES are just names. Anyway checkout Project Freedom! Thank you.

Edited by Brylex

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Age (Be Honest): 27

In Game Name: Edan

Country/Timezone: Mexico/West Pacific Time

Are You Active?: Yes, I play DayZ from 8pm to 12am or later if I don't have to work next day

Experience In Dayz: 3 days but I manage to get in Cherno without weapon, get food, sodas and binoculars and get out without dying (some guy tried to kill me but I manage to survive)

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes, only once but it was way better than going solo, we died cause we kinda were out at the open and we all died at the same time by bandids (a mistake I won't make again)

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Hey man. We are looking for someone that speaks fluent english. I'm sorry we can't consider your application. Judging by it you speak broken english.

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ok man, I'm glad there was no racism in that group lol

joking aside, I was born, I work, I went to school and everything in the USA, even my parents live in the USA I just live in Tijuana

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Im 17 and three weeks.

In Game Name: TinkAring

Country/Timezone: United States ( Seattle )

Activeness: Yes, i think that im active, but i also am busy with sports, but since its summer i have much more free time and tend to play at night from 9 or 10 to up 3 in the morning.

Experience in DayZ: I've been playing for a month now, and i deffinetly know the game in depth.

I have worked in teams before in DayZ, seeing as those players ended up killing me i left and now looking to join here.

My Skype: time.to_skype

And to further add on to my app form, i wanted to say that a prefered roll for me would be more of an assault player as sniping is deffinetly fun its just the waiting can really get to me sometimes and im sure you guys dont want a flimsy sniper ;). I recently finished high school a year yearly and with my sports, and my games, i will be taking a year off before college to get my head straight in an idea of classes i would like to take. I think that im am deffinetly a mature, serious person at the proper time, but i also love to have fun and have a good laugh (who doesn't) My play times can deffinetly be adjusted to help further support the squads and i deffinetly would consider in chipping in money to help for a teamspeak server and possibly a DayZ server. Thats all for now, until skype chat (I'll be waiting) hope that i can join Anarchy and further diverge myself into the world of DayZ.



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Hey liammcneil. I would like to say thank you for posting an application. I will be contacting you later tomorrow in the afternoon or in the evening, so we can chat and play! See you soon!

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Age (Be Honest):23

In Game Name:Nark.Kill

Country/Timezone: usa pacific standerd time

Are You Active?: everyday so far

Experience In Dayz:so far iv been playing for a few days and have loved getting my ass kicked

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: back in the ghost recon summet strike days

btw im interested in scouting..sitting around isnt really my thing

Edited by Nar.Kill

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I am currently in a small clan, but I will keep my eye on this clan for the next couple of weeks. Are you planning on getting a website ?

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Age (Be Honest): 18

In Game Name: Knoob

Country/Timezone: U.S.A./Central

Are You Active?: I am very active when I am allowed to be. I work Tuesday - Saturday 9pm - 3am so I am a little tired during the day, but I play as much as I am able. Also, on my days off (Sunday and Monday) I rest a bit on Sunday and play most of both days.

Experience In Dayz: I started a couple months or about a month ago and have non-stopped played. I have traveled around the map and worked with most of the weapons and vehicles that you come across as well as the tools that you can find in DayZ.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: I have not work in an organized team before, but I have a few friends that I have met in game or over the forums that I do play with. They are a good group of people and we work well together (sometimes) so I consider them a bit of a team but never anything organized such as a squad or something along those sorts.

I am fine giving my Skype on here. It is: GamerKnoob

Edited by Gamerknoob

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'to survive, to protect, and to promote anarchy' And then 'two Generals'. Yea, you promote anarchy through leadership...

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'to survive, to protect, and to promote anarchy' And then 'two Generals'. Yea, you promote anarchy through leadership...

Anarchy means to be free from government, the people rule. In anarchy there is always a person or people that lead. I think you need to read more my friend.

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Age (Be Honest):22

In Game Name:LauranaLawless


Are You Active?:Yes

Experience In Dayz:1 week,died 4 time but only survivor kills..I know items.I used many weapons.I know some places,but not all.

Have You Worked In A Team Before?:No but I played before another games..I think scouting is good for me.Go and get it silently..Sounds good eh_?

This is all ..



Edited by LauranaLawless

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Age (Be Honest): 16

In Game Name: Hayez

Country/Timezone: United Kingdom GMT+0

Are You Active?: Yes

Experience In Dayz: Month+

Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes a small 4 Man group, invading NWA etc.

Skype?: Hazeyybpeu

Edited by Hayez

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Age (Be Honest):22

In Game Name:LauranaLawless


Are You Active?:Yes

Experience In Dayz:1 week

Have You Worked In A Team Before?:No


I'm sorry Laurana I cannot accept this application because it is wayyy too short. As I said. All applications will be rejected if there isn't any information about the individual applying.

Edited by Brylex

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I will respond to all of the applications tomorrow! Since its about 5:30 A.M. over here!

whats a good time to be online?

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Since were giving our info how bout you share yours Brylex. Mind giving us your time zone, nationality, age and level of skill in dayz?

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whats a good time to be online?

I'll be on at around 11-12 A.M., Accepting applications, doing interviews and such.

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I'm sorry Laurana I cannot accept this application because it is wayyy too short. As I said. All applications will be rejected if there isn't any information about the individual applying.

Ok I will edit my post.

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Since were giving our info how bout you share yours Brylex. Mind giving us your time zone, nationality, age and level of skill in dayz?

Sure thing man. I'm on the EST time zone for now. I'm from the US. 18 years old. And I've been playing dayz for about 3 weeks. If you don't like what I'm asking, then get out. I'm not asking for anything personal. If you want to make your own clan not asking what time zone they are, you are in a pickle. Because playing with everyone often and close to the same times is crucial. Getting to know clan mates and creating great camaraderie is what makes a successful clan. So good luck with your clan or whatever lol. I love trolls.

Edited by Brylex

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You guys want Anarchy, but dont fly the flag yourselves? Having such a strict hierarchy and organisation is completly the other way guys,fyi.

Hopefully we will meet one day ,you seem like a clan promoting friendliness so thats great

Edited by ImaffoI

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You guys want Anarchy, but dont fly the flag yourselves? Having such a strict hierarchy and organisation is completly the other way guys,fyi.

Lol dude. Anarchy is no government... the people rule. Do you see a government? Anarchists have a backbone to their organization. Why are there so many anarchists in the real world? Because of influence. There are always people ruling, even if you don't think so. Anyway, our anarchists are free to do whatever they want.

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