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Can we please remove the "_____ uses modified data file" messages?

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Really unnecessary and fills up the chat and takes away from immersion!

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It's part of the Arma II core game. There might be a way to suppress it but do you actually feel this should be a priority at this point?

There are only two kinds of DayZ players: good alpha testers and bad alpha testers. Which one are you?

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Is there a server parameter I might be able to set? I found this:

-noTexHeaders Use unknown. (does seem to prevent error messages like 'Failed to load TextureHeaderManager from file "ca\provinggrounds_pmc\texheaders.bin" - failed to open the file.' on linux dedicated server)

from http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters

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There are only two kinds of DayZ players: good alpha testers and bad alpha testers. Which one are you?

Well he obviously the good kind. Because he said it like the way he meant it.

After all this is a Suggestion thread, not please don't make up a suggestion because we can't handle it due to not having enough staff members and game developers for the mod project thread.

And yes those whatever white messages that kept popping up on the screen is annoying and unnecessary irritating. But if it can't be fixed right now because it's part of ARMA II core then say it rather than berating people for giving out a good idea that the majority of the people in the community will agree on.

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It does kill the immersion for me. People connecting, disconnecting, seeing error messages etc.

It might not be the highest priority right now, but I think it does need a fix at some point.

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It was a suggestion to get more immersed into the game and then a forum MODERATOR comes and tells him, indirectly, that he's part of the bad alpha testers.. Yeah you did..

I find it very annoying aswell and it really takes away from the "I'm alone" and makes it "I'm alone, oh wait not really. 17 other people just joined the server and disconnected again, all having modified files, well good to know"

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After some research about this messages in language files, as a "retarded russian", I just edited server exe file in WinHex.

I have filled a few str_mp_SameShitHere* strings with zero bytes.

*connecting/connected/modified data/loosing connection/disconnected

No annoying messages for now.

Server looks working fine, but...

It needs some testing. That way may cause some errors.

Just saw this thread a few minutes ago. 20 minutes of work - messages are gone.

It is a serverside work - replacing exe files with edited ones. Maybe devs/serveradmins can use this solution?

NOTICE: I am not a DayZ server hoster, all this shit was made on my PC.

I know, my english makes people cry sometimes. Too lazy to learn. I feel sorry about that:rolleyes:

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Thanks, no need to be such an asshole Oktyabr. Not all of us are familiar with what makes a "good" suggestion or a "bad" one for the Arma 2 engine. Sheesh.

Is there a server parameter I might be able to set? I found this:

-noTexHeaders Use unknown. (does seem to prevent error messages like 'Failed to load TextureHeaderManager from file "ca\provinggrounds_pmc\texheaders.bin" - failed to open the file.' on linux dedicated server)

from http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters

i would be wary of editing server files. rocket is (rightfully so) a bit testy about it

Just saw this thread a few minutes ago. 20 minutes of work - messages are gone.

It is a serverside work - replacing exe files with edited ones. Maybe devs/serveradmins can use this solution?

NOTICE: I am not a DayZ server hoster' date=' all this shit was made on my PC.


Sounds like it shouldn't be hard to implement. I do think that it should show who joins/leaves though. That way you can know if a friend of yours joins or someone you were in a gunfight with leaves. Just all the other shit it gives us is unnecessary.

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Is there a server parameter I might be able to set? I found this:

-noTexHeaders Use unknown. (does seem to prevent error messages like 'Failed to load TextureHeaderManager from file "ca\provinggrounds_pmc\texheaders.bin" - failed to open the file.' on linux dedicated server)

from http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters

i would be wary of editing server files. rocket is (rightfully so) a bit testy about it

Server owners are 100% allowed to edit the server config files (server name, difficulties, MOTD, etc), and this isn't even editing a file, it's a startup parameter passed to the server when you launch it. These aren't disallowed.

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