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cm. (DayZ)

Custom models

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Hello team,

Was wondering if there is a plan to introduce customer models for this mod?

The current ones work well for now, but perhaps as we enter beta or approach closer to v1 custom models that fit better will be introduced. The current models are not really suited to post apocalyptic except maybe the german ksk.

There are many talented modelers and texturers (sp?) in the arma community that I'm sure would be willing to help out.

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Would be great to have a wide selection of firearms (not to mention better sounds, GOD)..

But all in due time, stablity of the mod comes first and foremost.

RH weapon packs are a great example of a very nice weapon pack, and obviously the ACE weaponry (which i think utilized quite a few RH guns)

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This thread already exists in several variations about new skins and how they should be applied in game, unless your talking about guns and other assets, thread should close.

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