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Ok so later tonight me and my friend will continue our Day Z adventure, as with everyone else we want to find military/good gear.

So what are the best locations to find loot? If you post a list please put them in order of value, high value locations first.

Also when suggesting a location could you please state the risk associated? I know Stary is high risk/high reward from what i gather.

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Ok, so I'm not amazing with locations and loot. But here it goes...

North West Airfield: HIGH loot w/ High Risk as bandits love to pick off survivors here. (There is also an ATV spawn on a mountain north of it)

Balota Airstrip: Towards the south. Good loot from the tower/building and from the med-camp just south of the airstrip.(Med-camp contains 4 deerstands which can spawn some military loot) I've been there numerous times and have only been killed by a player once there. Can't say the same with zombies.

North East Airstrip: Ok loot. I've never been there but my friends say it's not too great. It does have some military loot. As for the risk I am unaware.

And those are the main 3 places I go for military loot :)

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If you want a nice little starting gun try the barns, and red-brick houses for lee enfields. (not an expert either) stores have weps too. But as the guys above said, airstrips, hospitals, fire stations, schools and millitary bases.

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Helicopter crash sites. They are randome on the map but I've seen more in the center portion of the map.

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