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Cheating clans CCCP and KGB

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We run a clan server [<eUK> Dayz Clan Server] and have had some very odd shenanigans happening tonight. Mostly surrounding the CCCP and KGB clans. After being wiped out by my clan mates they proceded to spawn in again at randomn locations close to our players, fully kitted out with new gear. Normally I wouldn't have posted about this but I believe I have proof that they definately were hacking as they all spawned, and died, with "PDW SD" weapons with full mags etc, either L85's or M4a1 SD's, NVG, GPS etc etc.

I understand there are numerous hacks out there but does battle eye actually do anything? What about hacked in weapons? If people are using these hacks why arent they being banned?

Also im finding it extremely difficult to identify who is hacking on our server. The server logs dont seem to be very helpful.

Sorry, i love this game but the hackers are really getting pevailant. But, maybe this is due to the popularity of the game that so many hackers have come back to ruin our fun.

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Yeah, at least CCCP has been reported multiple times on the forums.

BE sucks, it's almost the worst anti cheat thingie there is.

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