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My DayZ SP Video

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I would have thumbs downed the video, but rating is conveniently disabled.

I just realized that clip is claiming it's a single player DayZ mode. Didnt the SP version get shelved though?

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There is a video on YouTube with the link to an old version of the single player on mediafire.

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LMFAO... You can skip all the "L,R,L" Bull. Just press 0 - 0 and the menu will appear

It will not work instantly since the script will take some time loading.

Whoever invented the L,R,B, Forward shit ,good on you for making so many console players fall for it! I had a good laugh..

P.S. The Kronzky Dayz sp has been removed, but with some googling, anyone can find it these days.

I'm no longer active online until a massive update, and or stand alone releases. Until then, I use ACE, other misc mods, and MCC Sandbox. It makes my DayZ experience a lot better

Edited by Demondred6

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