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I don't want to get banned for this!

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Ok so 4 of my friends and I have been setting up camp (not disclosing the location) and we've accumulated many things including (but not limited to) a Ural, Bus, GAZ, UAZ, and a few more vehicles. So I was playing today in my normal server where I set up my camp, and lately there's been a few hacker breakouts. So I went afk for a few hours, and when I come back in, I find this "ammo medium" box and I decided to read up on it, as we are very far from civilization and it is impossible for anything to spawn near us. As I read about it, almost every post I see says it is hacked in, so I was wondering, is there a way to contact the Hive people (whoever the hell they are, unless it's the DayZ devs) or DayZ team to avoid us getting banned and losing our camp?

Edit: I'm just freaking because my team and I interacted with the box, and I've read posts about people getting banned because they interacted with some hacked items.

Edit 2: I'd also like to see if I can get the hacker banned, as he is the only one to come across our camp and I really don't want to move my 5+ tents and vehicles

Edited by Ryan4601

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What does "finding" The box have to do with you getting banned? Seeing one won't ban you. I think you're not telling us something...

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Battleye doesn't react to items... But the DayZ hive does.

Dump things that look illegal.

Battleye won't ban you globally unless it detects scripting.

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Battleye doesn't react to items... But the DayZ hive does.

Dump things that look illegal.

Battleye won't ban you globally unless it detects scripting.

DayZ hive bans people in waves right?

Does it keep track of things people have used illegally or does it ban dependent on when they search the database?

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What does "finding" The box have to do with you getting banned? Seeing one won't ban you. I think you're not telling us something...

By finding it I mean when I logged in, it was in the middle of our camp. I've seen posts about people who interact with hacked in items getting banned. That's all I'm worried about. Also, I'd like to get this guy banned cause I don't want to have to move my camp -_-

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DayZ hive bans people in waves right?

Does it keep track of things people have used illegally or does it ban dependent on when they search the database?

I have no doubt it keeps track, but at this time Hive is not banning anyone for simply possessing a hacked item.

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If you get a hacked item from a hacker it would not get you banned, ive killed a hacker and took all his hacked items.

Hmm seems I should edit for clarification. I interacted with the box, and I've seen posts about people who take hacked items/interact with them and they get banned because of it

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Hmm seems I should edit for clarification. I interacted with the box, and I've seen posts about people who take hacked items/interact with them and they get banned because of it

You will only be banned by BE if you are the person who initiated the hack script. As for Hive, it is not banning for possesion of hacked items. How many times are we going to have to rephrase the answers until you get it?

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5 dudes hoarding all the vehicles on the server what a bunch of legends!

I hope your camp gets reset.

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5 dudes hoarding all the vehicles on the server what a bunch of legends!

I hope your camp gets reset.

Yeah we find vehicles by chance. Are we supposed to just leave them there or give them up? Really man, lower your expectations.

Edit: So you're talking shit about 5 guys moving the vehicles to another spot on them map? Instead of complaining, why don't you search for shit like that.

Edit 2: Oh yeah, and three of our vehicles are taken from someone else who was hoarding it, so don't think about coming back with some "equality for players" bullshit.

Edited by Ryan4601

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You will only be banned by BE if you are the person who initiated the hack script. As for Hive, it is not banning for possesion of hacked items. How many times are we going to have to rephrase the answers until you get it?

I've had a previous team mate get banned for finding and holding a hacked gun from a hacker's camp. He had to talk his way into getting unbanned.

Edited by Ryan4601

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Yeah we find vehicles by chance. Are we supposed to just leave them there or give them up? Really man, lower your expectations.

Edit: So you're talking shit about 5 guys moving the vehicles to another spot on them map? Instead of complaining, why don't you search for shit like that.

Edit 2: Oh yeah, and three of our vehicles are taken from someone else who was hoarding it, so don't think about coming back with some "equality for players" bullshit.

lol quick get hostile and justify your hoarding bullshit with some lame excuse about other people hoarding. With your wonderful argument I'm now a changed person and I don't want your shitty hoarding camp to get reset at all.

Wait a second.

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I've had a previous team mate get banned for finding and holding a hacked gun from a hacker's camp. He had to talk his way into getting unbanned.

All I can say is that I've read multiple posts from both Rocket and Ander saying that you will NOT be banned for simply having a hacked item in your posession (I know that there were actually some cases where this happened but it was quite awhile back when all the hacking went through the roof). The direction they seem to be heading currently is that the database will collect information about you (based on GUID). Later down the road they hope to implement algorithims which would take all of the agregate data about you and your habits as a player into account to help determine when a ban is justified.

So for example, the database shows a person has been server hopping loot spawns, and shows a tendency for Alt+F4 behavior in firefights, and numerous occasions where the person had a hacked item in possesion, the algorithim would offer warnings to the player, and when behavior coutinued beyond a point, a ban would be issued. As I said before this only a rough plan which Rocket has outlined. At the moment, only data collection is being enabled with the next patch and they will go from there. Currently BE handles all Auto bans, and the DayZ ticket system is available for players to submit proof of hacking to admins for DayZ issued bans.

If they can fine tune a system such as this, it sounds like it may be a step in the right direction.

Edited by SystemiK

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All I can say is that I've read multiple posts from both Rocket and Ander saying that you will NOT be banned for simply having a hacked item in your posession (I know that there were actually some cases where this happened but it was quite awhile back when all the hacking went through the roof). The direction they seem to be heading currently is that the database will collect information about you (based on GUID). Later down the road they hope to implement algorithims which would take all of the agregate data about you and your habits as a player into account to help determine when a ban is justified.

So for example, the database shows a person has been server hopping loot spawns, and shows a tendency for Alt+F4 behavior in firefights, and numerous occasions where the person had a hacked item in possesion, the algorithim would offer warnings to the player, and when behavior coutinued beyond a point, a ban would be issued. As I said before this only a rough plan which Rocket has outlined. At the moment, only data collection is being enabled with the next patch and they will go from there. Currently BE handles all Auto bans, and the DayZ ticket system is available for players to submit proof of hacking to admins for DayZ issued bans.

If they can fine tune a system such as this, it sounds like it may be a step in the right direction.

Ok thanks

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Yeah we find vehicles by chance. Are we supposed to just leave them there or give them up? Really man, lower your expectations.

Edit: So you're badmouthing 5 guys moving the vehicles to another spot on them map? Instead of complaining, why don't you search for camps like ours.

Edit 2: Oh yeah, and three of our vehicles are taken from someone else who was hoarding it, so don't think about coming back with some "equality for players" argument.

lol quick get hostile and justify your hoarding bullshit with some lame excuse about other people hoarding. With your wonderful argument I'm now a changed person and I don't want your shitty hoarding camp to get reset at all.

Wait a second.

Forgive my hostility, I was just a little peeved that someone had the courage to accusing my team of "hoarding" the vehicles, yet use each vehicle every day for various reasons. Well, except the bus. But who needs a bus. I removed swear words (in quote above). Sound less hostile to you?

Edited by Ryan4601

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If I find hacked ammo boxes on the coast on my server, I check the logs and ban any script users.

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Non the less hoarding vehicles outside of the map is kind of shit. I believe they are now doing weekly wipes of everything outside the map. I dislike it personally because if you have vehicles you can travel a fair way out that no one on foot would bother going to find. On to the topic, you won't get banned for it.

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Non the less hoarding vehicles outside of the map is kind of shit. I believe they are now doing weekly wipes of everything outside the map. I dislike it personally because if you have vehicles you can travel a fair way out that no one on foot would bother going to find. On to the topic, you won't get banned for it.

I don't hoard my vehicles on the outsides of the map, I camp in the middle of the map.

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Non the less hoarding vehicles outside of the map is kind of shit. I believe they are now doing weekly wipes of everything outside the map. I dislike it personally because if you have vehicles you can travel a fair way out that no one on foot would bother going to find. On to the topic, you won't get banned for it.

Nothing saves off map anymore, nobody anywhere is hiding vehicles off map.

Edited by Drakezilla

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If you get a hacked item from a hacker it would not get you banned, ive killed a hacker and took all his hacked items.

Yea i ganked a hacker camp and took their vehicles once. I told them i was frapsing this and they logged out never to return.

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