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Create a possible trade company... thoughts

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The system would work between survivor clans and groups, we would be intemediaries in trading items such as medicine, guns, gear, etc. I have more ideas but i just wanted to get a feel for the idea...

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It's really a great idea... And I could see it being part of a larger game, say one where servers are interlinked but actually different areas...

Right now, though, it shuts too easy for server hoppers to take your stuff.. Or someone to grab it when you are offline.

Suggestions like this are really the next level of ideas for this type of game!

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The issue with grand ideas like a trade company where everyone works together is that typically there isn't enough long term manpower to keep them sustainable. Not to mention the fact that human nature prevents teamwork in situations where personal gain outweighs group gain.

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I feel like the operation wouldn't be too big, however it would take place between more reputable groups like ghost response taskforce or the walking militia

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I was thinkingg of setting up trade outposts. I would say on the forums "trading here and now on so and so server". It would be a temporary camp with a tent full of trade able gear. My group would provide cover, as one member acted as the "clerk". This would be for selling AK's, AR's, and moderate weapons. We would start small as a test, and if it worked, we would continue. I'm currently In the process of setting this up.

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sounds great dude i think idea has tons of potential it might be could however to have a ambassador for the trade who carrioes nothing and brokers the deal

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haha that may just work lol but i was feeling trade like a pistol for 2 bandages or a box of painkillers

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I love this idea and would love to see it work but my only question is what happens when you get hit with a raiding party or 4 or 5 guys with automatic weapons and you get over run? I think it would be a great idea and would benefit everyone but the only thing is protection. I'm all for it though and if you need any help just contact me, I'll help in any way I can.

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it have to be a secret place ,cause the serverhopper would destroy all maybe u pm interessted ppl so they know where to go to.

PS: i would help ya

PM me if u need help

Edited by Migfighter

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With enough protection for the trades a raiding party with decent comms could probably create the most epic firefight in dayz history :)

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haha ya and thx for the offers guys ill pm u later poss. and about the raider problem I've worked out a system all ineed is help so ill get on that

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Exactly what you are talking about. Already established and reputable.

Here's the link to the thread on these forums as well:

http://dayzmod.com/f...eeside +trading

You might be able to find out possible problems from them to better plan your trading company. Never hurts to talk with people who already have experience. They host trade events every weekend that you could check out for ideas too.

Edited by Enrico

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I've also decided if this gets off the ground I may trade with bandit groups I'm not discriminating my business. But that doesn't mean I'm stupid I'll have protection and I'm still working out how the trade would work and I think I have an idea.

Edited by Colinz

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I couldn't agree more, I actually want to start a survivor safe zone but dont have the manpower to do it, somewhere secure and away from the zombies would be great like a castle or just a place away from the major cities, I only have 2 friends I play with and they have agreed to help me, the major thing I have noticed is because everyone is so use to the fact that its kill or be killed they loose all humanity and murder innocents that actually could be trying to help, they don't see that it should be us (Humans) working against the bandits and zombies , perhaps (if you are intrested) we could put our ideas together if you could support a little more man power we could fortify a base somewhere and then you and your associates are more then welcome to set up your trading post in the base/safezone with the protection of the base and my men. If you think this is a good idea please respond. Everyone seems to think of survivial but no one seems to think of rebuilding what life use to be, its our job to do it if no one else will.

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I completely agree with your idea however there is a problem with location if you wind up putting your camp within a castle or small town it will likely be robbed it should be somewhere tucked away in the woods

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I completely agree with your idea however there is a problem with location if you wind up putting your camp within a castle or small town it will likely be robbed it should be somewhere tucked away in the woods

I would love to put it in the woods but im not sure if it would be easy for other players to find, I want people to actually be able to come to the place and make like a "settlement" where people can pitch their tents and possibly live and hopefully we could all work together, I would probally start having units like send 3 men out to the local grocery store to get food and water/soda and send another 3 out to an airfield to maybe scavange guns and ammo and have the rest guard the safe zone, at the moment im trying to get wire traps and tank traps and stuff like that to barricade opening points in the castle, hopefully people will be mature enough to understand our cause and help out.

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If youre expecting bandits to be mature that wot workout well lol

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If youre expecting bandits to be mature that wot workout well lol

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If youre expecting bandits to be mature that wot workout well lol

lol ikr but a person can hope cant they :P but hopefully people will atleast try and be nice cuz think about, were supplying food and supplies to people in our town and feeding people and what not so its basically like theyre getting their share of stuff and if someone is being greedy and trys to kill someone or if theres an out burst well have about 5-10 men to take care of him nd yes someone could attack our base but they would only be getting about 10 rations of water nd 10 of food but if theyre nice and cooperate they would be getting more food and supplies in the long run, you know what I mean?

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It could poss work I guess

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Ignore the naysayers, they are more populous on the forums than in the game. Only 1 in 10 is an active bandit (Only 1 is friendly and the other 8 are just shoot on sight ;P)

Ignore the hackers. If they kill you, so what. Get up and keep at it.

Be prepared to lose everything at any time, because you will, often.

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