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We've built a way to share DayZ stories, and are kicking it off with a game giveaway!

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Hopefully contests aren't against the rules (and that this is the correct subforum), as I couldn't find it prohibited anywhere in the forum rules.

A few weeks ago we came to you with a new interactive map which has since proven to be pretty popular (over 150GB just in MySQL traffic this month!). Since then, we've been working on a way to share stories from your adventures in DayZ. We call these journals.

Many of us love reading the stories the DayZ community puts out. Chance encounters, blood-pumping firefights, comical breaks in the tension, and even stories of humanity (if you can believe it). All of this comes together to make for an enthralling reading experience, even if you don't play the mod.

So to get started, we thought it would be fun to give away some games to the best storytellers. Here are the games that are up for grabs:


All you need to do is submit a story here, and have it be in the top three most voted by July 30th, 2012 at 11:59PM PST. The first place will have first pick of two games, second place gets second pick of one game, and so on. If there is a large turnout, we'll increase the winner bracket to five places, so if your friends are good storytellers let them know!

Everyone is encouraged to vote (we call these reactions)! Any vote you cast will eventually be tallied up and used to present the journals in a more organized way, kind of like categories.


  • Only one win per person - you can still submit multiple stories
  • Gifts will be redeemable through Steam
  • Submissions after deadline will not be considered
  • All entries must be original work
  • Shenanigans will not be tolerated

More details are in this news post. If you have any questions or comments about either the site or the contest, please let us hear them! Fantikerz (who'll you'll remember as the author of the original thread) will be around this thread as well to help answer any questions people might have.

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Sounds pretty sweet, now i just need a better story. Im not gonna be one of those guys that makes one up to try and win lol.

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Aw man, I sadfaced when I saw that "Shenanigans will not be tolerated". Being an Irishman, shenanigans are expected! :thumbsup:

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Being a fellow Irishman myself, I completely and utterly support any and all shenanigans you may enact. You have my blessing.

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*dances like a feckin ejit*

Edited by ninjaholic

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I'll take that as a sign of unconditional love then.

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