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What a bandit really should do

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According to any definition of a Bandit it is a robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area.

When i play DayZ i never see this i feel the name bandit dosn't really work with what we people do in DayZ.

So feel like maybe are names shouldnt really be bandits anymore?

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Yeah. As long as we are changing names here, I don't really like playing this game in the daytime either. The name DayZ doesnt really fit my playstyle at all. From here on out I suggest we change the name to NightZ.

Thanks everyone.

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If you like the robbery sort of thing look up Acebane on youtube, he does some cool ones.

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I like the term raiders. Some kill for fun, others kill for a purpose. All kill on sight unless there's a good chance they'll lose. Even then some go on anyway.

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