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*whew* that was a close one!!

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so i'm moseying up to a deer stand, and BOOM!! gunshot really nearby, like right on top of me. made my heart skip a beat. sounded like an m14 or DMR.

i break into a sprint immediately running through the tree that is less than a meter away to my right, then break left through another tree. i continue evasion tactics, sprinting, zig-zagging through cover, waiting for the follow-up shots.

i begin to think about what just happened, that guy was SOOOO close, how did he miss me? i didn't see him at all, because i went into super-jackrabbit mode immediately rather than turn around and look and get a bullet to the face for my trouble. maybe he didn't see me till the last second either and just fired off a panic shot? in any case my pulse was racing and i felt lucky to escape such a deadly situation.

i've moved far enough now through enough cover that i'm pretty sure i've made a clean break. i begin to consider whether i should circle around and try to find this guy and get the drop on him. there are a few other deer stands in the area, and he might be looking to clear them out. if so, i can probably get him.

i mentally calculate where i would be if i was him, how long he was likely to have stayed at the first deer stand after missing me, the next-nearest deer stand, and the one after that. i start to move through the forest, carefully watching, pulling up the scope on my own DMR to scout ahead, when i notice...

DMR ammo 19.

/facepalm. so embarassing. nearly gave myself a heart attack.

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One thumb up. It would have been two, but I laughed so hard I shot the other one off on accident.

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