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tiweb (DayZ)

DayZ - CA 16 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 95248) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:ON] dayzmod.com - hosted by tiweb

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CA 16 [3DP ON : CH:ON] Hosted By "Tiweb"

Status: - ONLINE -

Beta Patch: 95248

DayZ Version:

Difficulty Settings:

3rd Person - ON

Cross Hairs - ON

Tags - OFF

Administrative Team:

Tiweb (owner) - Primary contact



Our server is located in Montreal and hosted by


Feel free to use this thread for any discussion regarding the server quality, politics, engagements, etc.

Abuse Reporting:

If in some case you catch either a hacker, logger, or server admin abusing their powers please PM me about it. Rather than reporting it here and discrediting someones reputation, please keep it private and we can sort it out. In the case of reporting, you must have some kind of proof that shows without a reasonable doubt that an offense occured. Unfortunately words are only as good as he said, she said.


If you're interested in donating to keep our server running feel free to PM me and I'll send you PayPal information.

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