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Tips, Tricks and Interesting Facts

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These tips and tricks will be very beneficial to you, whether your a beginner, or a veteran player.

Thanks for watching, comment if you have additional tips or tricks, and I'll add them here and credit you.

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nice, however it should be knowen that the waypoint system will only work on some servers depending on what they have enabled.

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nice, however it should be knowen that the waypoint system will only work on some servers depending on what they have enabled.

Didn't know that, will add an annotation. Thanks.

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Not to bring this thread back from the dead (lol pun :P), but another note would be that, like the .45 Revolver and M1911 magazines, you can do the same for DMR and M24 Sniper Rifle magazines.

This is EXTREMELY important for M24 Sniper Rifle users, as DMR will convert into 4 CLIPS (4x 5 Rounds) for the M24. If you want to reserve space in your inventory/backpack, convert 4 clips into a DMR mag, and voila! 3 extra inventory slots. :D

NOTE: Don't forget to keep one mag available for your weapon, just in case! ;)

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